

Use 0 if you don't want it to ever stop Strength of the flow vectors to pull particles. The higher this value, the faster particles will travel. Anything above 0 will make flow vectors strength to weaken over time Friction reduces the speed of particles so that they don't go flying around The seed used to generate randomness in the simulation
When checked, it will generate a new seed with every new simulation

Out of bounds behavior

Particles traveling out of bounds will re-appear on the other side of the canvas
When a particle leaves the canvas, another one will be created in a random position.
Partcies that leave the canvas are still simulated but they might never appear again on screen.


Particles are thicker when their speed is higher and thinner when they go slow.

Flow Field

A JavaScript function body that takes two parameters, x and y, and returns the angle (in degrees) for the flow vector in that position.
This image will be used to determine the flow field. Vectors in the field will point towards darker zones using the luminance of each pixel and its surrounding neighbors.